THE view is taken from the hill of sand which has risen above the adythum, and overwhelmed the portico of this ancient Temple.

    On looking back, the construction of the corridor around the court, between the propylon and the pronaos, is well seen. The massive square columns, which appear on either side of the quadrangle, have an Osiride statue attached to each of them, cut out of the blocks which form the columns, before which they stand, fronting towards the hypætral court. These statues bear the cap and emblems of Osiris, and have their hands crossed on their breasts, holding the crook and flagellum; but their faces are too much injured for recognition. Vast stones or blocks are placed from column to column, forming the entablature, and, transversely between these and the outward wall of the Temple, other blocks are so placed as to form the roof of the corridor around the court; but these blocks have suffered violent displacement. Beyond are seen a part of the line of sphinxes in the avenue, and the two statues at the commencement of the dromos. The stylæ observed on the backs of these figures are covered with hieroglyphics, much obliterated.

    The Temple is built in front of a hill, in which the adytum is excavated, but all the inner chambers are closed with drifted sand, and are at present inaccessible.